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What can you do to help eliminate voting ages? Here are some ideas:

Give your vote to a kid

If you are an adult, you can join some members of our colloquium and transfer your own vote to someone you know who is under the voting age. You might also take a photo, tell others, or write an op-ed about it.


Click here to sign the global online pledge!


See a Guardian article about the pledge


join a study circle

Click here to join


Demokratisera demokratin - Bör alla individer ha rösträtt? Studiecirkel för dig som vill diskutera detta intressanta ämne. Studiecirkeln kräver inga förkunskaper. Fem träffar i Bollnäs, ABFs lokaler, med start mändag 3/3 kl 19.00. Studiecirkeln är helt kostnadsfri och lättare fika ingär. Studiecirkelledare: Anita Svantesson. Anmäl er via länken i inlägget, eller kontakta verksamhetsutvecklare Joakim Warnemann via eller 070-2221398


Democratizing democracy - Should all individuals have the right to vote? Study circle for those who want to discuss this interesting topic. The study circle requires no prior knowledge. Five meetings in Bollnäs, ABF's premises, starting Monday 3/3 at 19.00. The study circle is completely free of charge and light coffee is included. Study circle leader: Anita Svantesson. Sign up via the link in the post, or contact business developer Joakim Warnemann via or 070-2221398

write an op-ed or letter to your representative

Most likely people around you and your elected representatives have never even thought about the fact that their constituents who are not yet adults lack the right to vote. It can be explained to them that they actually need to hear from, and be pressured by, this sizeable portion of the citizenship in order to make policies that are good for everyone.

Volunteer Sign-up for Massachusetts Children’s Suffrage Coalition

We believe that it is important to enable children's right to vote, so we are forging a path in Massachusetts, United States, for this.


visit this site

Design a logo and/or catchphrase

Whatever age you might be, you could design a logo and/or catchphrase to share on social media or other platforms to help spread the message that everyone deserves the right to vote regardless of age. If you come up with a logo or catchphrase you especially like, share it with us!


Some suggestions:

•    Make it distinctive, simple, and memorable – something recognizable in 2 seconds.
•    Emphasize that kids’ voting is empowering, liberating, self-directed, inclusive, righteous, boundary-pushing, and/or about dignity.
•    Some examples of catchphrases (feel free to steal!): “Let. Kids. Vote.”; “Votes for Children”; “Kids Vote!”; “VOTE (Voices Other Than Elders)”; and “Kids. Will. Vote.” Keep it short. Be creative!

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